Tuesday, December 2, 2008

You can make a difference with a click of a button!

As I was doing the reading for this class, I found something in chapter 9 that I was interested in. The author gave a couple of sites where we could make a difference in the world just by clicking a button on a site:

(on the top, there are tabs that lead you to other topics such as breast cancer and literacy)

On each website, there is a button where you can click once a day and sponsors give money to that specific need.This is what shows up after I clicked the button for animal rescue:

-Thank You — your click has been counted!
You've given the value of .6 bowls of food to rescued animals.

I just bookmarked these sites and I plan to click the button once a day. You can help the hungry, the rainforest, animals, and children just with a click of a button. How awesome is that!

1 comment:

Kelly C. said...

Christina, it is funny that you posted that because I have found my bored self playing this vocabulary game


basically everytime you answer the vocabulary synonom correctly, you donate 20 grains of rice. I think my personal high was 1000. It is fun to do the littlest thing to make such a difference. It says on the website that since 2007 this website has donated enough rice to feed more than two million people....I guess even though you may not think you are making a difference, you really are. I love this types of things :)